What you'll learn
Learn an inclusive leadership toolkit
Learn how to use a scalable inclusive coaching framework
How to create psychological safety on your team so members show up and feel that they belong
Guided conversations and tools on diverse teams that help create bridges to understanding & appreciation of all team members
How to build influence through a diverse culture framework
Welcome to EVERYONE Training Session 1
The Peace Index Session 2
Your Support/Challenge: To Team & Family Session 3
Your Support/Challenge: To Yourself Session 4
5 Circles of Influence: Intentional vs. Accidental Session 5
Know Yourself to Lead Yourself Session 6
Who Says You Can’t?: Inhibition vs. Prohibition Session 7
CORE Process: Key Tools for the Climb Session 8
5 Voices: Discovering Your Leadership Voice Session 9
5 Voices: Leadership Insights for Your Voice Session 10
5 Voices: The Power of Your Voice Session 11
5 Voices: What Triggers Your Weapon System Session 12
5 Voices: Rules of Engagement Session 13
5 Voices: Liberation Statements Session 14
CORE Process: Your 5 Voices Game Plan Session 15
The Core of Your Leadership Session 16

GiANT exists to equip experts, using our tools and technology, to unlock people. Let's create organizations everyone wants to work for.